Client — New Jersey Department of Transportation

Project — Complete identity and signage system for the New Jersey Scenic Byways program

Solution — art270 was hired by the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the RBA Group in Parsippany, New Jersey to develop a signage system to identify a newly classified series of roads and highways as part of the New Jersey Scenic Byways program. The final solution included a logo and identity system for the overall program along with unique signs to identify each of the scenic byways. Prototypes were made and tested in many sizes from 2’ x 2’ to 4’ x 8’ because the signs were to be used on small, rural two lane highways as well as major super highways throughout the State. The best part of this project was traveling around the state of New Jersey to drive and experience each of the byways, and meeting representatives from each community to discuss ideas for the design of each sign. The neighbors were passionate about their communities and “their roads” and had plenty to say about the final designs. This was a community project managed by art270 that reflects the wishes and voices of hundreds of New Jersey residents.

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