Client — W. Atlee Burpee & Co., Warminster, Pennsylvania

Project — Packaging, catalog, advertising and marketing design

Solution — art270 was hired by Burpee Seed company, one of the oldest and well-known seed companies in the U.S. to develop a brand-style for a specialty line of seeds and products for the kitchen gardener, called Cooks Garden. The project involved testing a variety of package styles with company employees and consumers before creating a new Cooks Garden logo, a line of seed packages for vegetables, flowers and plants, displays, advertising, e-blasts, a comprehensive catalog of products, and a new retail website. The resulting “brand” was successful with consumers and won praise from Martha Stewart on her annual spring review show of garden catalogs and products. A major component of this project involved extensive custom photography of seeds, plants, and test gardens for the new packaging and the sales catalog.

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