Client — As You Sow

Project — Series of online Whitepapers and Reports

Solution — art270 was hired by As You Sow, with offices in Oakland, California, to create online reports highlighting larger industries and their practices. As You Sow believes that corporations (large businesses) must be a willing part of the solutions to the pressing social and environmental problems we face today. As You Sow, utilizing graphic design solutions by art270, makes that happen. Several times each year As You Sow engages art270 to create online reports on corporate business practices as they relate to environmental responsibility and doing what is right for our planet. Reports have focused on fracking, CEO compensation, the uncertainty and risks of oil and coal investments, Paris compliant engagement, nanomaterials in our food, glyphosate in our food system, helping shareholders vote their values via proxy, plastics and post-consumer packaging, and more. And with each of these projects we have had the opportunity to learn more about what is both right and wrong with how we manage our world—we feel privileged to help deliver the messages. To learn more about As You Sow, visit their site.

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